Halls of St. George
E Joliet St
Schererville, IL 46375
Meet the creators behind the books, chat with various artists, writers, publishers, purchase new and vintage comic books and toys and meet some cosplayers. VIP invited guests include: Christopher Mitten (illustrator), Cory Hamscher (artist), Don Kramer (artist), Doug Rice (artist/animator), Frank Fosco (artist), Hilary Barta (writer/artist), Jeffrey Moy (artist), Jim Terry (writer/illustrator), Jonathan La Mantia (artist), Mikey Babinski (artist), Nick Choles (artist), Stuart Sayger (illustrator), Tim Seeley (artist) and Tony Moy (artist).
Event Cost: $10, free 11 and under.Â
Event Times: 11 a.m.-6 p.m.