Gallagher Way
3635 N. Clark St.
Chicago, IL 60613
Head out to Gallagher Way for their summer programming series. In June, see Wonka (PG) and Barbie (PG-13). In July, watch School of Rock (PG-13), Angels in the Outfield (PG) and Soul (PG). In August, watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (PG) and Star Wars: A New Hope (PG). In September, they will screen Twilight (PG-13).
Event cost: Free
Event times: 6-10 p.m. June 12, 26; July 10, 17, 31; Aug. 14, 28; Sept. 11, 2024
Additional Information
Contact Phone: 773-388-8260
Website: https://www.gallagherway.com/events/movie
Age recommendation: Early Elementary (K-3), Late Elementary (4-5), Preschool, Teens, Toddlers, Tweens
Neighborhood: Chicago