Northbrook Theatre for Young Audiences
3323 Walters Ave.
Northbrook, IL 60089
Find out what happens when a favorite stuffed bunny is left at the laundromat! Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Musical includes singing, adventure, puppets and of course, dancing laundry. The sensory-friendly performance is structured to enhance accessibility for audience members and families with various sensitivities, allowing them to experience shows without the conventions of a traditional theatre setting. As part of the performance, certain adjustments will be made, such as dimming the house lights instead of turning them off, reducing the volume of recorded sound during noisy moments and allowing audience members to talk and leave their seats during the performance. All seating will be general admission to better accommodate individual family needs and the lobby will be available as a quiet space for taking a break from the production. Families also are welcome to bring their own seat cushions, comfort objects and other support items during the show.
Event Cost: $14.Â
Event Times: 2-3 p.m.
Additional Information
Neighborhood: North/Northwest Suburbs