Rise Training Academy (outdoors)
8716 S Colfax Ave.
Chicago, IL 60617
Families are invited to try capoeira with local teachers and students while watching the Rise Training Academy's first green cord ceremony, Batizado (when a new capoeira student plays capoeira in the roda with a teacher and is awarded their first cord). The first cord color in the Rise system is a hand-braided green. The ceremony will be held outdoors for social distancing and safety.
Event Cost: Free
Event Times: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Additional Information
Contact Phone: 773-306-3239
Website: https://www.risetrainingacademy.com/
Age recommendation: Early Elementary (K-3), Late Elementary (4-5), Parents only, Preschool, Teens, Tweens
Neighborhood: South Suburbs