Chicago Botanic Garden
1000 Lake Cook Road
Glencoe, IL 60022
Celebrate the warmer days outside by viewing more than one million blooms, unfurling throughout the season, during "It’s Showtime: Spring 2021" at the Chicago Botanic Garden. The first flush of spring is subtle—a tiny purple bud, a flutter of native bees, and then voilà—the season rolls out, in huge waves of color, scent, motion and wonder.
Visitors will be able to take a break from staring at a screen and view a selection of spring superstar blooms, including a lawn filled with crocuses at Evening Island in April, sunny daffodils and vibrant tulips throughout the grounds from late April through May, and a cathedral of hundreds of fragrant flowering crabapples at the Lakeside Gardens starting in early May.
Event Cost: Free with admission
Event Times: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. March 20-March 31, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. April 1-June 19
Additional Information
Website: https://www.chicagobotanic.org/spring
Age recommendation: Early Elementary (K-3), Late Elementary (4-5), Parents only, Teens, Tweens
Neighborhood: North/Northwest Suburbs