Windy City Ninjas
2500 W. Bradley Place
Chicago, IL 60618
An action-packed day full of Ninja fun and sports play. Michelle Warnky, American Ninja Warrior competitor and ninja trainer, will be there all day to work with all participants and share her story. Participants will have the opportunity to work with Michelle, try a variety of ninja obstacles with Windy City Ninjas, and play two sports with Game On! Sports 4 Girls. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/power4girls-game-on-ninja-warrior-presidents-day-event-tickets-31362880219?ref=ebtn
Event Cost: $60
Price Category: $$$
Event times: 9 a.m.-noon (grades K-3) and 12:30-3:30 p.m. (grades 4-8)
Ages: Grades K-8