The Theraplay Institute
Suite 320
Evanston, IL 60201
Learn how to recognize and begin to address anxiety or depression in your child. This workshop will address the incidence of depression and anxiety in adopted/foster care kids, the role of early trauma and how it can play out over time, what depression and/or anxiety looks like at different ages and stages, how understanding our own feelings and reactions as parents can aid in empathizing with our children and help all of us interact more effectively, how to help kids develop more coping tools and when to consider professional help. Childcare services are available. Register at http://theraplay.org/index.php/component/registrationpro/event/418/Anxiety--Depression-in-Adopted-Children-(November-14--2015)?Itemid=475
Event Cost: $20, $10 second individual
Price Category: $$
Event times: 10-11:30 a.m.