57 W. Polk St.
Chicago, IL 60605
This two-day festival is the largest outdoor literary showcase in the Midwest and is devoted to the love of storytelling and the written word. Lit Fest brings together lovers of literature, national best-selling authors, performers and booksellers. It features new, old, rare, and hard-to-find literary treasures in tents stretching out over five blocks of Dearborn Street from Polk Street north to Ida B. Wells Drive in Chicago’s historic Printers Row neighborhood.
Event cost: Free
Event times: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sept. 10-11, 2022
Additional Information
Contact Phone: 312-987-1980
Website: http://www.printersrowlitfest.org
Age recommendation: Early Elementary (K-3), Late Elementary (4-5), Preschool, Teens, Toddlers, Tweens
Neighborhood: Chicago