Chicago Marriott Northwest
Hoffman Blvd.
Hoffman Estates, IL
Princesses will be available all day for stage performances, dancing, stories, picture opportunities and more. Little ones can participate in princess games, story time sing along, learn some ballroom dance moves and more. The event is recommended for ages 3-7, though sisters and brothers older and younger are welcome. Princesses from Dream Parties include: Cinderella, Tower Princess, Beauty, Snow Sisters, Mermaid Princess, Sleeping Princess, Snow White, Arabian Princess, Frog Princess and more.
Event Cost: $32-$47.
Event Times: 9 a.m.-6:15 p.m.
Additional Information
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chicago-royal-princess-ball-tickets-56956491399?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Neighborhood: North/Northwest Suburbs