Field Museum
1400 S. Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60605
Apsáalooke Women and Warriors (pronounced “Ahp-SAH-luh-guh”) explores the history, values, and beliefs of this Native American community known for their horsemanship, artistic pursuits, and matriarchal ways of life, including the tradition of “counting coup”—performing acts of bravery. With a unique mix of traditional objects and contemporary artwork, the exhibition tells the story of Apsáalooke Nation, a living people of the Northern Plains also known as the Crow Tribe, through the perspective of guest curator and scholar Nina Sanders, who herself is Apsáalooke.
In addition to horse regalia, a 9-foot-tall modern tipi, beadwork, paintings, photography, and fashion, the exhibition will feature a total of seven never-before-displayed Apsáalooke war shields from the Field’s collection, with seven on display at a time. Visitors will be able to learn about Apsáalooke women’s role in keeping the shields, drawing connections between past and present as they read the shield owners’ stories.
Event Cost: $8+ (requires Discovery Pass).
Event Times: Daily March 13, 2020-April 4, 2021.
Additional Information
Website: https://www.fieldmuseum.org/exhibitions/apsaalooke-women-and-warriors
Neighborhood: Chicago