The Hideout
West Wabansia
Chicago, IL 60642
In the fog of postpartum depression, mom Angela James began humming melodies while trying to get her daughter to sleep. These melodies guided James back to her creative practice as a songwriter after a difficult and exhausting period as a new parent. She took the melody fragments and composed lullabies evoking the limitless love and relentless labor of being a parent. James then invited other artists who are parents of young children to play and create art for a new record. The result is "Quiet Night: A Collection of Lullabies," serene and captivating lullabies made by weary parents for weary parents. For this family-friendly record release show Angela James will be joined by all the musicians that played on the record and a special opening set by Spectralina.
Event Cost: $10.
Event Times: 3-4 p.m.
Additional Information
Website: https://www.hideoutchicago.com/event/1832223-angela-james-quiet-night-chicago/
Age recommendation: Babies, Toddlers
Neighborhood: Chicago