Did you have a graduation when you were in kindergarten? I don’t remember any form of ceremony until I graduated middle school in eighth grade.
Logically I don’t see the point. These kids have many, many years of schooling ahead of them. I see no need to celebrate one year down.
Yet, my heart aches at the thought of 60 of our babies wearing a mini cap and gown as they march down the aisle to the same song I did when I graduated high school and college.
I remember the tears streaming as my little boy proudly shook the hands of his teacher and the school principal as they handed him the flimsy printer paper with his name on it.
This year is my second and last child that I will see graduating from kindergarten.
Again it seems trivial, but I know from the pangs in my chest and the nausea in my stomach that this is a big deal.
This means I no longer have any babies or even toddlers. I now am the mom to big kids that go to school full time.
Gone are the days of diapers, playgroups and naptimes. Ahead are years of learning, discovering and supporting my kids as they develop into the person they are meant to become.
I can’t wait!