Cool Science Experiments to Try at Home

Get ready for your kids’ minds to be blown.

If you’re looking for more indoor activities to try with your kids, start with some science fun! Enjoy these experiments that you can easily make with some common household ingredients.

Walking water

You’ll need: Mason jars, food coloring and paper towels

Your little scientists can create a science rainbow by using only three colors in this experiment. Through capillary action, watch as jars filled with colored water travel along paper towels and fill the connected empty glasses.

Bouncy balls

You’ll need: Borax, corn starch, white liquid glue and food coloring

Keep them entertained for hours after they learn how to make a toy from scratch. In about five minutes (and with the help of chemistry), they’ll roll the mixture in their hands to recreate these homemade bouncy balls.

Exploding chain reaction

You’ll need: Craft sticks

Move over dominoes, there’s an even cooler way to see a chain reaction. Set up your craft sticks in a cobra weave carefully in order to see the madness unfold.

Fizzing colors

You’ll need: Baking soda, white vinegar and food coloring

The simple reaction between baking soda and vinegar never fails to fascinate a pint-sized scientist. Take the learning up a notch though by adding colors to the mix! Your youngsters can learn more about color theory by mixing colors in this timeless science experiment.

Paper airplane challenge

You’ll need: Construction paper, tape and coins

Incorporate some more learning elements the next time you and the kids fold up paper airplanes. This STEM challenge sees if the planes can glide more than 10 feet with some extra cargo — coins! The engineer who flies the most money wins the game.

Homemade ice cream

You’ll need: Galloon-size recloseable bag, ice, salt, half and half milk, vanilla extract, sugar

Now here’s a science experiment that will be extra sweet for your kiddos. Use baggies to shake up the ingredients needed and a few minutes later, the mixture will turn into enough tasty and creamy ice cream for the entire family.

Kid-friendly slime

You’ll need: Liquid glue, baking soda, food coloring, contact solution and baby oil

If you don’t have Borax sitting around home, try this easy fix to get your slime in no time. Get creative by adding any extra craft materials lying around — glitter, sequins, etc. — to give your slime some pizzazz.

Rain cloud in a jar

You’ll need: Jar, shaving foam, blue food coloring and dropper

Teach your kids how clouds work with this simple experiment. All you have to do is fill your cloud with “rain” and once it gets heavier, the rain falls in the jar.

DIY lava lamp

What you’ll need: Plastic bottle, flashlight, funnel, cooking oil, water, antacid tables and food coloring

You can easily make a lava lamp at home with some common ingredients! Bonus: Use a flashlight and see what happens when you hold it on the bottom or top of the bottle.

Ivory soap foam

What you’ll need: A bar of ivory soap and a microwave

There’s no prep or multi-step directions for this experiment that teaches kids about physical changes in matter. Simply stick a bar of ivory soap in the microwave and watch as it grows and expands into a foam. Then, use your hands to mold it back into a soap shape.

Plus, if your kiddo is curious in the kitchen, this is a great learning opportunity to explain how this basic kitchen gadget works.

Grow crystal geodes

What you’ll need: Eggshells, glue, aluminum sulfate powder and food coloring

Grow your own colorful crystal geodes with just a few ingredients. Crystals will grow over the course of a day, meaning the hardest part of the experiment is patiently waiting to check on your geode.

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Katina Beniaris
Katina Beniaris
As audience development manager, Katina Beniaris digs into data to help the Chicago Parent team learn about our audiences and tailor better content for them. She has more than five years of experience in content creation.
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